Thursday, January 28, 2010

It tastes good

I've changed the way I think of food, not surprising I suppose. Asked to list my favorities, a year ago french fries and ice cream would have topped the list. Now, I think of french fries as a preparation of potatoes. Ice cream is a preparation of milk. It so happens that I'm not fond of milk, and I'm lukewarm toward Irish potatoes. Of course, I love fat, salt, and sugar. But there are so many other things that I like, things that don't have the penalties of fat, salt, and sugar.

I had to spend months getting to this point. But it turns out, I love sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, brussels sprouts, and bell peppers. Black or green olives. Chicken. Fish. Shellfish. Okra! Who would have thought? Celery, onions, garlic. Broccoli. Blueberries. Fresh tomatoes and canned tomatoes. I even like popcorn with no fat - now that was a long process. I confess I do usually add 1 or 2 teaspoons of olive oil.

One exception - I eat fat free yogurt with artificial sweetner. I just don't like it without the sweetner, and it's soooo good with. The sweetner is Splenda (tm) and is probably not good for me, but it meets the requirements of the program.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The unbearable lightness of losing

When you recover from the flu or other serious illness, for days afterward your mornings begin with the joyous recognition of health. You feel well.. and this new sense returns again and again over a few days as you are able to climb stairs, open subborn jar lids, and pick up your 40 lb toddler.

When I was unemployed for about two years, I felt very down on myself. I couldn't drive by a McDonald's without thinking about the teenagers inside who were able to get a job, who had jobs, while I didn't have one. This was a very bad time in my life.

When I became employed again, I was thrilled and happy for about a month. Routine set in, and the realization that the job was very difficult and I had doubts about my ability to stand up to it. I still (five years later) feel grateful to have a job, and think of that quite frequently, especially in today's economic climate. But it no longer gives me an emotional lift.

I have been overweight my entire life, and obese during the last few years. I'm still overweight, but now that I have lost so much of the weight, and am close to normal weight, I feel incredible shining joy, a sense of control, and admiration for myself 10 to 20 times a day. Just now, I took a break from work and sat for a few minutes in my recliner. A cat was there first... but we were able to share just fine. She was happy to keep her comfy spot and to have me so close. I was thrilled to be able to fit my butt and a medium sized cat into one chair.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are my new fave food. I used to avoid them because they have such a high calorie count. But it turns out that 1/4 of a large one is very satisfying, and only .5 points!

Yesterday I got a large one and microwaved it. This was a messy process, since I had assumed it would cook like a regular white potato - I poked holes in it and nuked for 3 minutes, then turned over, nuke for another 3, let sit for 3. Result - center was not done, outside was perfect. So, I cut it in half, put cut side down, and did another 3 minutes. Perfecto!

The really surprising thing is how dense the potato is, and how filling. And very tasty. Yesterday I was able to eat no meat at all, which is rare.

I heard Michaael Pollan (Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants) speaking about how calories in food are measured, with a bomb caloriometer, but the body does not consume food that way. I think sweet potatoes are a perfect example of this. They taste SO good (ok, I know not everyone likes them, too bad!) and feel so nourishing, but a lot of the bulk is simply not digested and so not used for energy or to store fat.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Drinking Loser

Ok, I'm an alcoholic. A very high-functioning one, but still can only be described as "alcoholic".

More later about how shocked I am to read that, and realize that I wrote it.

This blog is not about alcoholism, it's about losing. Losing weight. Losing weight on the Weight Watcher's Plan, while drinking slightly less than half my daily points in wine.

Some facts
Weight Watcher's since March, 2009
Weight Loss: 50 lbs
Current weight: 168lbs
Starting daily points: 24
Current daily points: 19
Points in a bottle of Yellow Tail Chardonnay: 9
Points in a 6 oz glass of Yellow Tail Chardonnay: 2